种植术后注意事项 种植术后注意事项 1、术后24-48小吋内唾液中可能带有血丝。但如果出血较多...
7、 如有过渡活动义齿,务必在医生指导下使用。通常情况下,义齿需要修改或重衬,以免压迫术区和种植体。
8、 术后感染的机率很低。感染的症状包括疼痛加剧、术区脓性分泌物、肿胀复发或加剧,以及非其他疾病引起的发烧。如发生上述现象,请即时与医生联系或到门诊就诊。
1、There may be someblood in the saliva within 24-48 hours after the operation. But if bleedingbecomes more severe, please contact the surgeon as soon as possible. Normally,cotton ball can be used for hemostasis.
2、Taking painkillersand anti-inflammatory drugs according to the doctor's advice. Generally, takepainkillers 1 hours after the operation, and take anti-inflammatory drugs for3-5 days, which is conducive to reduce discomfort, and prevent infection. Don'tdrink alcohol, smoke, drive or manipulate other potentially dangerous machineryafter the operation.
3、The operation area(even the lip and cheek) will become swelling or black and blue after 2~3 days.Within 48 hours after the operation, ice bag can alleviate edema. Use hotcompress or physiotherapy and other ways to further ease the symptoms after 48hours according to the doctor's advice. The remaining teeth of swelling area maybe slightly loose, but mobility will decrease gradually with the wound healing.
4、You should eat softfood after the operation, and try to use the contrary side of teeth to chew.Avoid eating crackers, minced meat and other rough food. In addition, the remainingteeth may be sensitive to cold.
5、Except for theoperation area, other areas of oral still need routine cleaning. From the dayof operation, use mouthwash 2-5 times daily.
6、The wound usuallyneed to suture. The suture is generally removed after 7-10 days. If the sutureis loose and cause discomfort, please contact the doctor in time.
7、If there is atransitional removable denture, be sure to use it following the doctor'sguidance. Often, a denture needs to be modified or relined so that theoperation area and the implant are not oppressed.
8. The probability ofpostoperative infection is very low. The symptoms of infection includeincreased pain, purulent discharge, swelling recurrence or exacerbation, andfever not caused by other diseases. In case of the above phenomenon, pleasecontact us or visit the clinic immediately.