补牙术后注意事项 补牙术后须知 1. 新补的牙,短期内可能会出现对冷、热、酸、甜等食物的敏...
1. 新补的牙,短期内可能会出现对冷、热、酸、甜等食物的敏感症状,应可逐步适应;如果此类敏感症状未减轻反而出现加重现象,请及时来维乐复查或及时与医生联系,决不能拖延时间。
2. 补牙后,若感觉咬物时有垫高、剧烈疼痛等症状,或表面有粗糙染色现象,请及时来维乐复诊或及时与医生联系。
3. 白色材料补牙后,请勿使用含洗必泰类药物的漱口液或牙膏等, 因为洗必泰类药物可能会引起牙白色补牙材料以及牙齿的变色,影响美观。
4. 玻璃离子材料(白色)补牙后,24小时内不可用该侧晈食物,以免脱落。
5. 任何补牙材料硬度均不如天然牙,所以请勿使用补牙材料啃咬过硬食物,避免牙齿崩缺或补牙材料脱落。
6. 不正确的刷牙方法很容易导致补牙材料的松动和脱落,维小美特别提醒您注意掌握正确的刷牙方法。请轻柔刷牙,选择硬度适中、尼龙细毛牙刷。
7. 补了的牙如出现剧烈疼痛,请立即复诊,维乐将为您提供进一步详尽的检查和治疗。
8. 对于大面积牙体组织缺损及死髓牙请及时进行冠修复,以免造成牙齿折裂。
Notice after Teeth Restorations
1、 Teeth just filled for several days may be sensitiveto cold, heat, sour or sweet food after the procedure; however, you will adaptto it gradually. If this symptom becomes worse, please don't hesitate tocontact the dentist for examination.
2、 If you feel a severe pain and a high spot on thetooth when you chew foods, or the surface of your teeth feels rough, pleasecontact the dentist for examination.
3、 If the filling material is white, please don't usethe toothpaste and mouthwash containing chlorhexidine, because thechlorhexidine may cause the discoloration of tooth and the white fillingmaterials.
4、 If filling material is glass ionomer, please don'tchew on the filling material surface in case the filling material loosen or fallout.
5、 The hardness of any filling materials is not as goodas that of natural tooth, so please do not directly chew really hard food onthe filling material surface for the first few days in case filling materialmay loosen or fall out.
6、 The faulty method of tooth brushing may easily makethe filling material loosen or come off. Please try to use the correct methodof tooth brushing technique. Please brush your teeth gently and choose thetoothbrush with medium, nylon filaments.
7、 If you feel a severe pain after the dental fillingprocedure, please come to our center for further check-up and possible furthertreatment.
8、 For a tooth with large cavity and for teeth that arenon-vital, in order to avoid the tooth fracturing, the prompt placement of adental crown restoration is necessary.