根管治疗术后须知 根管治疗术后须知 1. 根管治疗是治疗牙神经、牙根尖周病变并保留患牙的最...
1. 根管治疗是治疗牙神经、牙根尖周病变并保留患牙的最彻底有效的治疗方法,它是通过彻底清除存留在牙根中的坏死牙髓组织,来达到保存患牙的目的。
2. 牙髓在失去活力后,牙冠部如保护不当可能在治疗期间部分或全部折裂,所以在治疗期间不能使用患牙咀嚼食物。一旦出现折裂请及时与维乐联系,医师会根据您的具体情况作出相应的处理。
3. 由于某些非人为因素可能导致的失败,如遇此类情况,除医师会不遗余力地进行处理外,最后根据医疗程序还有可能会拔除患牙(虽然这是很少发生的);对此,请您一定给予理解和配合。
4. 牙髓发生炎症、坏死,压实便失去了营养来源及感觉功能,从而易于初选折裂;经根管治疗,确保不再发生炎症后,应及时行冠修复进行保护,以防止牙冠折裂。如未按医生医嘱及时进行相应诊疗,有可能其所引起的严重后果。
Notice after Root Canal Therapy
1. In order to keep the natural teeth, root canaltherapy is the most effective method to cure disease of dental nerve andperiapicalitis. It keeps the teeth by the means of completely clearing away theremaining necrotizing neural tissue in the root of tooth.
2. After the loss of pulp vitality, if the dentalcrowns are not protected in a proper way, all of them will fracture during thetreatment; so avoid chewing foods on the side of treatment. Once the fracturehappens, please contact us immediately so the dentist will give correspondingtherapy according to your condition.
3. Some unartificial factors may cause the failure ofthe therapy. If this situation happens, our clinic will spare no effort tohandle it. But according to medical treatment, the tooth might be extracted atlast(though this situation is rare), so please understand and cooperate.
4. Because of the inflammation and necrosis of dentalnerve, tooth may lose its source of nutrition and sensory function, so thedental fracture may occur. After root canal therapy, in order to ensure thatthere is no inflammation, please have post crown protection as soon as possibleso as to prevent any fracture of dental crown. After root canal therapy, if youdo not follow your dentist's instructions to have timely treatment, you shallbe responsible for any severe consequences.
5. After root canal therapy, because of the root canalfilling medicine, it may cause some uncomfortable symptoms, such as a mild painin root tip and spontaneous pain in tooth. Please don't worry, these symptomsare normal. If these symptoms become severe, please contact the dentistimmediately and have further check-up.