洁牙术后注意事项 洁牙术后须知 1、 洁牙后不要用力吮吸,或用舌头舔拭、手指触摸牙龈,一...
1、 洁牙后不要用力吮吸,或用舌头舔拭、手指触摸牙龈,一周内不要用牙线、牙签,以防止出现意外的出血不止的现象。如洁牙一段时间后,因某种原因突然出现出血不止的现象,请及时就医诊治。
2、 洁牙后的牙齿常常会看起来比较长,牙缝也会比较大。这主要是因力发炎的牙肉不再肿胀、牙肉恢复健康。此外,洁牙后虽然牙齿变干净,但若因此忽略清洁,牙结石会很快再长出来,所以应勤刷牙及使用牙线。
3、 洁牙后三天内不要进食过于辛辣或是过于酸冷的食物,洁牙后的一两个月,部分体质敏感者可能会出现牙齿对冷、热、酸、 甜等刺激过敏不适的现象,此属正常的个体反应,请勿过于忧虑,若症状持续加重,不能缓解,请及时复诊。
4、 洁牙后的牙齿对冷热会有点敏感而感到酸痛,这种症状都是暂时的,通常一周左右就会消失。若酸痛症状一直存在,可以考虑使用市面上出售的一些抗敏感牙膏,一般使用一个月左右多会改善。
5、 洁牙可防治牙周病,如牙龈炎、牙周炎等。维小美建议一般人群1年至少洁牙一次,口腔卫生保持不佳者每半年一次。
1、Do not suck, lick,or use finger to touch gums, and do not use dental floss, toothpicks within aweek, to prevent accidental bleeding. If continuous bleeding occursaccidentally for some reason, please timely contact us for medical treatment.
2、Teeth often appearlonger after cleaning, the gap between teeth will be relatively larger. This ismainly because the gums with inflammation is no longer swelling and becomehealth. In addition, if you ignore dental hygiene after cleaning, dentalcalculus will soon grow out again, so you should brush your teeth and usedental floss daily.
3、After dentalcleaning within three days, do not eat too much spicy or too cold acid food.Two months after cleaning, some sensitive people may feel the teeth sensitivityon the cold, hot, sour, sweet, and so on. This is normal response. Don't worrytoo much about that. If symptoms continue to be worse, please timely contactus.
4、The phenomenon ofteeth sensitivity is temporary, and usually will disappear within about oneweek. If the symptom exists fora long time, you can consider the use of someanti-sensitivity toothpaste. Generally the condition could improve after amonth.
5、Dental cleaning canprevent periodontal diseases, such as gingivitis, periodontitis, etc. Itsuggested that normal people have teeth cleaning at least once a year, andthose who couldn't keep good oral hygiene have twice a year.